Wednesday, January 22, 2014

By the Numbers

In honor of our half-way point (look for Copelovitches back in the States-- in 2 batches-- in mid-June!), here's some of our life by the numbers:

Winter break:
1 Waterbed
What an experience!

2 Peking-ish ducks (one for the birth, one for the bris...)
Tasted better than it looked

4 Lawyers (visitors, all of them)
2 Big sighs of relief (1 when Advent/Christmas season was over and 1 when we came out (physically) unscathed by Berlin's crazy independent fireworks on New Year's Eve)
Numerous visits to Christmasmarkets

2 Play dates for Micah (!)
0 Emails from 4th grade teacher (!)
6.5 Days off of school in January alone (and a week-long vacation the first week of February...)

2470 Lifetime basketball points (Micah, as of 7:55am today)
3 Inches of snow ("Finally!" says our Wisco girl)
5 Museum visits (to 3 museums)
5 Political Scientists dined with (not counting Mark)
1 case of strep throat (so 1 more trip to doctor)
240 ml=1 Cup=230 grams (I'm getting better at my cooking conversions.  Now, wouldn't it be easier if liquid ingredients came in jars of 240 ml and not 250?)

I can still fool Dafna into thinking that the free, short versions of the Nutcracker Suite that I take her to is the "real thing".  This one was at the Gendarmenmarkt Christmas market. 

D with one of her many candied apples at one of our many Weinachtsmarkt visits.

Jewish Museum

Peddler Dafna
I know it's a final Mem, but a cute picture anyway!

D learning in the Jewish schoolhouse.

Only 1 visit to Ritter Sport.  Can you believe it?
Post-"Frozen" thirstiness

Typical attitude lately.  Notice I didn't count the number of timeouts?  It's bordering on a permanent situation.

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