Friday, August 16, 2013

The Real Housewife of Charlottenburg

Not too many pictures from Sybelstrasse today.  Unless you want photos of D barfing or our underwear hanging to dry, 'cause that's what we've got.  Oh yes, we've got vomit.  Not sure why, no other symptoms and a not-quick-enough realization that when she says "My throat hurts" what she really means is "Get out of the way!!!".  This scene is a repeat of one a month ago (the day we picked Micah up at the Ramah bus).  Lesson learned: don't ask to look at her throat for strep when she says that it hurts.

This gives me plenty of time to practice my housewivery skills.  Come check me out-- I'm like Pioneer Woman auf Deutsch and with Ke$ha's "Die Young" as an earworm.  3 loads of laundry hanging to dry.  Pilot lights lit without incident on both burners and oven.  Panicking husband calmed and conditioner rinsed out of hair ("She's barfing!  Get out of the shower!").  Kosher meat procured (in Hebrew) and children bribed with Bamba to walk home (before the puking incident).  I'm pretty sure I've topped Ree with that one. 

So once we realized that today's exciting plans of opening a bank account weren't going to happen I took Micah out shopping at Aldi a little ways away (bribe: stopping at a backerei for breakfast). Riding high on my domesticity (and knowing I'd be home all day) I decided to make challah for tonight.  Aldi is no Trader Joe's and it's in German; and so I mistook a block of lard for a block of yeast.  Luckily, the squishiness gave it away.  Pane bianco for Shabbat.  Thank goodness for the backerei.

Before I go hang the mattress pad, a picture of what I tried to make an educational experience:

You see, after finishing his Schoko-Muffin we went back in the backerei to read the description and try to figure out which words meant "chocolate filled".  What a nice surprise!

Also, found a German news source in English.  I think they're on to me:

Badger digs up medieval warrior graves

Get off your rear end and learn German

Shabbat Shalom.


  1. Seriously, this is gonna be my new favorite blog. I'm sorry to hear that it's such a tough adjustment, but I have every confidence it's going to be amazing....

  2. Glad to know that making Hebrew your main foreign language is still paying off regardless of location and that you can find chocolate filled pastries wherever you go. The more things change...

  3. Hope you have restful and healthy Shabbat!!!
